My Husband, The Survivor

My Husband, The Survivor

My husband, Chris, and I have both had debilitating illnesses. In 2015, Chris was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Our daughter was three years old.

Chris and I have often talked about how much PhoneSpuds would have helped during his battle with leukemia; my long covid illness and head injury is what gave us the idea.

Here are the words Chris wanted to share about our product and his treatment and recovery.


I wish this would have been around when I had Leukemia.

While spending a year battling leukemia, I spent a lot of my time in bed, resting from the effects of not only the Leukemia but the chemotherapy being used to treat the disease.

About 5 months into my journey, I was matched up with a donor for a stem cell transplant.

While the stem cell transplant is the reason I live a normal life today, one of the immediate side effects was a pain in my hands that was, at times, unbearable.

My hands felt like they were on fire.

My only relief was holding an icepack in my hands, nearly 24 hours per day, even when going to sleep.

This amazing invention would have been so helpful for the year I spent, in and out of the hospital, bedridden and ultimately recovering from cancer.

 Chris Diamond

A Survivor

This holiday season, we hope you can gift a loved one a PhoneSpud.

Whether someone is recovering from illness, coping with chronic pain, traveling a lot, or just looking for a more comfortable way to hold their phone, Chris and I believe in our pillow phone stand product, PhoneSpuds, which was born out of necessity.

As the year winds down, we look forward to continuing our entrepreneurship and wellness journey. 

Wishing you love,


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